Friday, August 31, 2012

Quote for the Day 01Sep2012

To hoard wealth is foolish, for it is genuine faith, not gold, that will sustain us through trials and result in praise, honor, and glory to God. — Julie Ackerman Link

Quote for the Day 31Aug2012

Children are not the same. Each child is a unique creature of God and God's design in each child cannot be questioned. - Comfort Ayanrinola

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Quote for the Day 30Aug2012

You can count on it — God knows the impending dangers and will tirelessly direct the traffic of your life for your good and His glory. — Joe Stowell

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Quote for the Day 29Aug2012

O they tell me of a home far beyond the skies,
O they tell me of a home far away;
O they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise,
O they tell me of an unclouded day.
- Josiah K. Alwood

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Quote for the Day 28Aug2012

Shall we gather at the river,
Where bright angel feet have trod,
With its crystal tide forever
Flowing by the throne of God?
- Robert Lowry

Monday, August 27, 2012

Quote for the Day 27Aug2012

After pain and anguish, after toil and care,
We shall see the King some day;
Through the endless ages joy and blessing share,
We shall see the King some day.
- Lewis E. Jones

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Quote for the Day 26Aug2012

What are you trusting God to do for you? Have you lost hope on it? Are you thinking of another means that God would do it for you? By this time next year, God would have done that thing for you in His own way, and at His very appointed time. God will indeed be gracious to you and remember you for good. Do you believe it? - Bayo Afolaranmi

Quote for the Day 25Aug2012

God is not pleased if you praise Him at church but not at your workplace. It is not acceptable for you to revere God when you are with other Christians but not in your school or neighborhood. He expects you to honor Him completely, with your words, with your actions, with your life. If you honor Him, He will honor you. - Henry Blackaby

Friday, August 24, 2012

Quote for the Day 24Aug2012

When your perspective is founded on the Rock of Ages, the only one who defeats giants, whether real or imaginary, then you, too, will be able to defeat the giants in your life. - Michael Youssef

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Quote for the Day 23Aug2012

Management of self is a difficult enterprise that must be learnt and mastered if one would emerge as a champion in the battle of life. - Collins Olatunji

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Quote for the Day 22Aug2012

When we are going through any difficult situation, we should not give room to fear or allow the situation to make us hate God. Rather, we should rejoice in the Lord for He will soon intervene in our situation. - Elizabeth Iyabo Aderounmu

Monday, August 20, 2012

Quote for the Day 21Aug2012

When God asures you of His presence and support on anything, do not ask questions. Start from where you are till He takes you to where you should be. - Emmanuel Oloruntoba Arotile

Quote for the Day 20Aug2012

God will enable you to succeed when you use the time He has given you wisely for purposeful living. Life of purpose is a life well-directed, planned and will eventually be fruitful. - Esther Ayandokun

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Quote for the Day 19Aug2012

Jesus Christ is the formidable Rock against any problem or challenge of life. Neglecting Him is like neglecting one's source of life. Stand on this immovable Rock and you will overcome your problems. - Bayo Afolaranmi

The Tenth Anniversary of My Ordination and the Proposed Tenth Anniversary of My Internet Ministry

The Tenth Anniversary of My Ordination and the Proposed Tenth Anniversary of My Internet Ministry
On August 18, 2002, I was ordained into the full gospel ministry of the Nigerian Baptist Convention at Akobo Baptist Church, Akobo, Ibadan, Nigeria. Today marks the tenth year anniversary of additional public divine responsibilities as a minister of the gospel.
Coincidentally, today is also exactly five months to the tenth year anniversary of my Internet ministry started on February 18, 2003. During the ninth anniversary message earlier this year, I have made a proposal of how to celebrate this milestone on February 18, 2013, that is, publishing the collections of my messages in the past ten years and the combination of my experience in and the compilation of your testimonies about the ministry in electronic (and possibly actual hard copy) book forms. I have started compiling these messages. Let me quote verbatim my proposal then:
"The first book will be a compilation of some of the messages sent out in the email aspect of the ministry for the past nine years. Let me give you, my recipients, the opportunity of selecting the messages you know that have been a blessing to you since the time you have been receiving the messages from me. Almost all the messages (at least since August 18, 2003) can be retrieved from The most selected messages will be compiled and published to mark the tenth anniversary of the ministry.
"The second book will be the combination of my experience in and the compilation of your testimonies about the ministry. I have had many of such testimonies. Some are already on the website of the ministry: However, I want you to intentionally send your testimonies to me to be included in the book. Your privacy will be respected.
"These two books will be published electronically and manually. So, if you are led to contribute financially towards the publication of the books before February next year let me know."
I have already added a third book, the first collection of my daily quotes with almost corresponding Bible verses and suggested weblinks to almost corresponding hymns to these quotes.
Since the ministry is an Internet ministry with beneficiaries all over the world, I do not want to make the anniversary to be an affair of Ibadan or Nigeria where I base alone. What do you suggest? How should I celebrate the anniversary that day? I need your advice.
You shall all be celebrated in Jesus' name. Amen.
In His service,
Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).

Quote for the Day 18Aug2012

When our goal is to honor the Lord, He guides and guards us each step of the way. Whatever our hopes and dreams may be, when we place them in God’s hands we know that everything, including setback or success, is under His control. — David McCasland

Friday, August 17, 2012

Quote for the Day 17Aug2012

When God is dealing with you, He does not run into action. He may let people make their conclusion about you when He works out His plan for your life. He watches as people ridicule you while He gets your miracle ready for you. - Rotimi Oluwaseyitan

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Quote for the Day 16Aug2012

God desires that we show respect to all people, because everyone bears His image. - Helen Keller

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Quote for the Day 15Aug2012

Even those that encourage others need to be encouraged. The next time someone encourages you, don’t forget to encourage the person too. You never know what the person may be going through. - Martha Tatum Salone

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Quote for the Day 14Aug2012

Do not join this corrupt world and its system to walk perversely, but make up your mind to put on the righteousness of God each day so that you might have the power to withstand the assaults of the devil. - Supo Ayokunle

Monday, August 13, 2012

Quote for the Day 13Aug2012

Observe, God starts your day with a nighttime experience. In order for your faith to blossom, it must first be incubated in the dark. Real faith only germinates in adversity, so if you try to escape you lose the opportunity to move into higher realms of faith. – Bob Gass

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Quote for the Day 12Aug2012

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see. - John Newton

Quote for the Day 11Aug2012

How do you see your life? Until you get the correct view of life, it will be difficult to live with etermity in perspective. - Gideon Akanbi

Friday, August 10, 2012

Quote for the Day 10Aug2012

If you struggle in giving your best offerings to God, pause and reflect on what God sacrificed for you. Trust Him and give Him the best that you have because you love Him with all your heart. - Henry Blackaby

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Quote for the Day 09Aug2012

The Christian soldier must avoid two evils—he must not faint or yield in the time of fight, and after a victory, he must not wax insolent and secure. When he has overcome, he is so to behave himself as though he were presently again to be assaulted. For Satan's temptations, like the waves of the sea, do follow one in the neck of the other. - George Downame

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Quote for the Day 08Aug2012

Gratitude is an attitude that hooks us up to our source of supply. And the more grateful you are, the closer you become to your Maker, to the Architect of the universe, to the spiritual core of your being. - Bob Proctor

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Quote for the Day 07Aug2012

No evil deed can go unpunished. Any evil done by man to man will be redressed. If not now, then certainly later; if not by man, then certainly by God, for the victory of evil over good can only be temporary. - Dele Giwa

Monday, August 6, 2012

Quote for the Day 06Aug2012

Conquerors and overcomers now are we,
Thro' the precious blood of Christ we've victory
If the Lord be for us we can never fail,
Nothing 'gainst His mighty power can e'er prevail.
- C. H. Morris

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Quote for the Day 05Aug2012

What are your plans for the next minute, hour, day, week, month, or year? Do you involve God in these plans? Acknowledge God in everything you are planning to do, and He will keep you on the right track. - Bayo Afolaranmi

Friday, August 3, 2012

Quote for the Day 04Aug2012

Worry gets us nowhere, but prayer gets us in touch with the One who can handle all of our concerns. - Jennifer Benson Schuldt

Quote for the Day 03Aug2012

If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. - Michael Jordan

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Quote for the Day 02Aug2012

Blessed is the person who sees the need, recognizes the responsibility, and actively becomes the answer. - William Arthur Ward

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Quote for the Day 01Aug2012

Do not settle for an average life. God wants to launch you past the middle to the top. – John L. Mason